Natalia is Five!

Yes five. And she enjoyed celebrating that fact today :-) Though when she dropped her "I am 5" badge she panicked a little saying "Arrrgh! I don't want to be 4 again!"

We managed to bribe her with promises of a big present if she sat still for two minutes to take her picture, and I think it was well worth. She loved the present too so we were very pleased.

We had a fantastic lunch cooked by Luis and then we went to Wandlebury to have an outdoor party which the kids loved. The weather was perfect and the cakes that the Mrs made impressed everyone and tasted delicious. She really should start selling a few...

I managed to end up being attacked by 10 children who then spent about 20 minutes trying to break my back as I got flattened! I was in my element and had a great laugh :-D

And the highlight of the day was when we had a surprise visit from Natalia's Grandparents who had travelled all the way from Wales that day, fantastic!

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