What a day!

Alarm at 5.20am ready for an early train to London. Not even the early start could dampen the enthusiasm for the day ahead.

A slow stroll into the city, too late for Billingsgate but just in time for a wonderful hour or two in Borough Market. The sights! The smells! The tastes! I think I've found my new favourite place in London!

Back to the hotel for a little rest before a train out to the Olympic park. I've been an athletics fan for most of my life but this was the first time I've ever been to see any live in a stadium. And what a night it was! Spotting sporting celebs, fascinating warm ups, a remote control car retrieving the thrown discuss', a full Olympic stadium, Mexican waves that won't stop...

And then whispers around the stadium that Bolt would be running in the prelims tonight, not previously featured on any of the programmes. Wow. Getting to see such an absolute running legend in his last competition was a brilliant unexpected bonus. The stadium erupted!

But that was nothing compared to Mo. What a race! With the sprinters, you get a quick 10 seconds, with the 10,000 you get 25 glorious laps! Each lap, a wave of sounding moving around the stadium following the runners. The most electric feeling in the world. Mo looking comfortable in the middle of the pack, everyone hoping that he's going to make the big push at the end. Five laps to go, the noise escalates, Mo creeps up the group. Two laps to go, the crowd are on their feet, the wall of sound is deafening, Mo pushes to the front of the group. One lap to go, the crowd lose it, everyone's on their feet, the noise is wild, Mo's got it, safely leading the group home. Final straight COME ON MO! Fireworks as he crosses the line. The entire Olympic stadium celebrating with him.

A victory lap with his babies. A medal ceremony. Our anthem. What an athlete! What a night!

An Olympic stadium, a home crowd, two absolute Olympic greats. How will I ever top that?!

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