
By Paladian

Aren't I just so gorgeous!

You can be lulled into a sense of false security. Because there were two magic blip days in the Park, I kind of assumed it would always be like that. Macro outside in the garden is next to impossible today because of the wind. What seems like a light breeze can be a force 10 gale through the lens.

So I headed to the park, and it all started out quite well. There was a free car park outside the gates and I walked to the lake. Absolutely nothing was happening. It was either too late, or too early or too something. The wind made all the birds skittish I think, because they could be heard, but I couldn't see them.

I caught a glimpse of the Darter, but he was way over the other side. I still took a shot of him, and noticed rather incredibly, right next to him was a large turtle. It's not blippable unfortunately, but it might get into the blog later.

The walk right around the lake was all a bit disappointing. But I did get this lovely image of a dusky moorhen gazing at itself (well, not really, but I was lucky with the shot and the reflection).

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