Lyme Park

Janet and I went to Lyme Park today. I have been before but 3 years ago and it has improved. Today being the first Saturday of the month it's 1 day 12 pictures.
As we walked in I spotted 2 people in costume so asked if I could photograph them. They laughed and said they had found the clothes in the house and just put them on and come outside, how great is that! They are Martin and Emma and I've emailed the photos to them. I am getting braver! Got lots of great shots of Janet in different places and we asked to go on the balcony in the house and they opened it up for us and got that lovely shot. We walked to the cage the building on the bottom and got a great view of the countryside, we could see over to Liverpool. The last photo was being taken by the man's friend and after he got up from the chair I asked if I could take one.
We had a lovely day walked for miles am sure and only got 2 spots of rain on us.
Many thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts lately, I apologise for not having time to comment on journals but I enjoy all the photos.

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