Meadow Grasshopper

Went to New Ferry Butterfly Park on the Wirral today. After I found it on google a few weeks ago, I've been meaning to go but it's only open on Sundays between 12 and 4 and is staffed by volunteers. It was not the best day to choose as it was cool, windy and the sun was nowhere to be seen, and I really didn't know what to expect(apart from a load of butterflies, of course!).
It was a tad disappointing as there were not too many butterfly species about - only Speckled Wood, Green Veined White, the odd Gatekeeper and a rather battered Meadow Brown.
However, I did hear this noisy little grasshopper and searched until I found it! Not the greatest shot ever, but it's not something I have blipped this year yet and I quite liked it :)
The other choice was a bee(extra) on some pretty blue/purple flowers - I don't think they are cornflower and they're not chicory, but they are so familiar - any ideas, anyone?

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