
Katie designed a chocolate bar on Friday- I'm not entirely sure why. Anyway, I asked her if she'd actually like to make it and she thought that would be brilliant. We started the process this afternoon, including making the honeycomb from scratch. I've not done this before and it worked! I was pleasantly surprised.

The rest of the day was work/church, some music, some DVD time. She'd had a lie in until 730 and I put her in the path almost immediately as she'd gone to sleep without bathing last night so stunk of bonfire, whereas I'd had a bath as soon as I had put her to bed.

She's a bit stressed as her front tooth is extremely close to coming out as she'd decided it hurt so sat in her room wobbling it furiously, as I discovered when she came to me because it was bleeding. We really rather need it to either stay there for two weeks (which it won't manage) or come out by 2pm tomorrow afternoon so she can have her clarinet lesson and learn a double embouchure before B goes away for a fortnight!

Anyway, by bedtime the honeycomb had set and I said she could help smash it. Almost more impressive than our successful making of it is the fact that we haven't eaten any apart from tiny weeny scraps!

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