Dr Jones

By jones


I dropped off Jack at work at 7.30am. He hadn’t had much sleep last night as he didn't get back from Venu until 2am. Arfon, Eila and Casi came round at 11am and shortly afterwards, the Hargreaves left to go home and they gave Ben a lift to Bangor station. The traffic was pretty heavy and he missed his train to London because he only had a few minutes to spare and the ticket machine couldn't read his card because it was wet.  It had started to rain just as he left and it rained (quite heavily) for the rest of the day. Rem and Eric came round for a little bit. Arfon and the girls stayed for lunch. I picked up Jack from work at 3pm. Bibi and Penny were bored as we had been stuck indoors all day so we went for a walk around town when the rain eased off. We popped into Spar to get some asparagus and it started to rain quite heavily again on the way home.

Richard, Non and Rhodri came round for dinner. I’d asked them to bring mum’s old green vanity case that was full of old photos and the kids went through them before dinner. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to scan a lot of them this week.  I’d cooked an extra chicken breast so that Jack could have a chicken sandwich tomorrow at work. When I looked for it later on, it was nowhere to be found. I suspect one of the cats made a feast of  it.

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