a teachers journey

By EmmaDaisyduck

lack of sleep + sugary cake = really bad headache!

well last night i got a whole one hours sleep which is not what i wanted!!!

one of the kids didnt settle till almost 6am!! which meant i had been up all night, i finally got into bed just after 6am and was woken up by my manager at 7am!! just what i wanted!! only bonus was she came bearing coffee! lucky for me i was not the only one who had been up all night so had she however she had managed to get an extra hour than i did!!

we had a great day with the kids, climbing, absailing, caving, orienteering, campfire making and pond dipping! this was followed by a party tea for one of the kids and above is the wonderful cake the cook made for him!

we finally had all the kids showered and in bed asleep by 11:30 - so fingers crossed we will get about 6 hours kip as i have to leave early for work!

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