Sharing a drink

It has been a rather dramatic day for Gollum. 

We did some gardening in the morning - nothing exciting about that.

I then wanted to take the boys for a walk. We went to a small lake, where we often walk. I noticed Gollum being very interested in something and called him. He didn't come, so I went to see what he was doing. He was busy with a dead rat - or rather with half a dead rat. 

Arrrrgggghhhh!!! I didn't know if the rat was half, when Gollum got to it or if he had eaten some of it. Also I couldn't know if it died a natural death or if it was full of poison, so I rang the vet.

We agreed to play it safe, so I went there and they gave Gollum something to make him vomit. Oh poor boy, he was so sick,... And it turned out that he had not eaten any of the rat, so he was really sick for no reason at all. Awwww little man. But if he had eaten a rat full of poison, it could have been fatal, so I was relieved at the same time as I felt really sorry for my little man.

I met with Helle in the afternoon for some dog training. 

Gollum was still rather tired from the drugs he got to make him sick, so he didn't train. He played though and looked quite happy with it all.

Here he is sharing a drink with his siter Ex-it. Ex-it and Gollum are best friends and it is lovely to see them together. Always running together, playing together or just lying together. 

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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