Sunday: Who Ordered The Beer?
After a lazy morning, we went out for our regular cemetery fix and a spot of lunch. After that, we went to the Lauba Gallery which houses a large private collection of modern art. The building itself is spectacular - it used to be old army barracks for the Austro-Hungarian Army.
The art in here was a lot more accessible than that which we saw on our recent trip to the Museum of Contemporary Art (three nails in a loaf of bread - 'nuff said). Although I still can't claim to fully understand this, this painting ('Signing of the Declaration on the Unification of Western Herzegovina and Popovo Polje with the Republic of Croatia) was my definite favourite.
Every time I go to a gallery here and ask if I can take pictures, I am met with an incredulous: 'But of course!". It makes me think we are rather precious about it in the UK.
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