Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto


I was spoilt for choice of what to blip today. We went to Crook Hall in Durham with the U3A Garden Group. Before having a tour of the gardens there was the compulsory coffee stop! We were delighted to find that the cafe had dairy free muffins as well as soya milk for our cappucinos. I had to take a blip of the muffins as they were presented so beautifully. I did of course take a few snaps in the gardens and have put a couple in extras.

We had lunch at Crook Hall by which time it had started to rain. By the time we got to the second visit of the day it was pouring. That didn't stop us enjoying the garden tour at Winyard Hall but I kept the camera in the bag. We must go back on a drier day. The walled garden is superb.

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