All tired out

After a nice lazy morning with my boy we went to my sister in laws house to collect Phoebe. She's had a great time with her cousins. They had watched a film and stayed up till 9pm chatting together. When we got there this morning they had been making paper aeroplanes and were building things with Lego. We stayed for a bit then went to my mums to have to lunch with my auntie and uncle. We don't see them very often so it's always a special treat when they are visiting. The children played nicely and gave me time to sit at the table and talk like a grown up which is always good. We had a lovely afternoon all together and I hope they come back soon. Especially Xander who took a real shine to 'uncle perry' (Terry) and gave him the biggest cuddle when we left. The children both flaked out in the car on the way after a busy couple of days.

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