
By RadioGirl

Tuesday 8th August 2017

After a much better day yesterday, Mum's legs were really bad when she got up this morning. The numbness has gone above her knees now, which makes it difficult for her to co-ordinate walking. She still doesn't want to see a doctor about it, saying that even with a diagnosis there's probably nothing they can do for her. I know what I would do, but this is Mum's life and she doesn't want to spend it being prodded and examined and scanned at numerous medical appointments.

Nevertheless, we did go out for lunch and a look around one of the local garden centres which has a clothing concession inside. Unusually, I paid full price for a top there - one of those times when you just have to have it. Besides, it didn't cost anything like a fortune - before retirement I would have thought nothing of the price tag. Can't wait to wear it! Mum enjoyed the afternoon trip, and her legs improved a little after lunch too.

It's rare for me to watch a drama series these days, but I did settle down to the first episode of "Trust Me" on BBC1 tonight and thought it was excellent.

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