My View II

2years 338days

I got a text this morning from Cousin2 asking if we were going to church. When I said we were, she asked me if Katie would wear her converse. So Katie did (although Katie calls them Lyra-Gots).

Katie's been a little star today, had a nice day. We went to church this morning. It was a "Big Welcome" service, a cafe-church service to welcome people who've been coming along to the evening cafe church they do once a month. So today was like that, a service around tables, with lots of cakes and doughnuts, continuous refills of tea and real coffee. Chocolates, quizzes (which we won), dramas. And during this time, the children were up in their group having a party too. Doing lots games, eating party food, singing, dancing and making party hats. She was really pleased to see The Cousins too, its been a while since we've seen them.

After church, her and I spent a few hours just being together. A ccino, a walk, a few bits put away for forthcoming birthdays, watching one of my students shrink in embarassment when he had to serve me in the bakery.

My little monkey fell asleep mid afternoon, and slept through one friend stopping by to drop something off. Her daughter was disappointed Katie wasnt able play! Katie did wake (was woken) in time to play with her little friend Livvy, from her old nursery. They've not seen each other this summer so they were really pleased and did super well.

Since they have gone, Katie's eaten a huge tea and done almost all her jigsaws, without any of them taking her much effort. Time for some more tricky ones I think!

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