Tootsie's chicks have really grown!

Dear Diary,

Tootsie and Tillie brought their chicks by for a visit and my how they have grown!  I posted a photo of them on July 17th when they were just little fluff balls.  I suspect they have to grow up quickly otherwise they would succumb to predators much more easily.  I was happy to see there seemed to be the same number of little ones as last time so, so far so good for the families.

It is not the best photograph I know but I had to shoot through a window and screen on the porch, they are very skittish.  If I had tried to open a door they would have fled.  As it was, Tootsie sensed my presence and herded the chicks out of the yard and straight to the road!  A car was coming and I held my breath but they all made it across in time.  If my photographing had caused the death of even one little chick I wouldn't have been able to stand it.

Although I am far from recovered, the medication side effects are a bother on top of everything else, I really want to try and get out today for a bit.  I am going stir crazy and the weather is so perfect.  Maybe just a brief ride up the road...

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