
By HareBrain


A mere cat and called Ameer because at times he walks about on his hind legs doing meerkat impressions.  Amir belongs to Lucy who I visited today to see if she has survived the first full day at home after our lovely holiday in the sun.  The weather has been horrid since our return and we're both cold and suffering a big sense of anti-climax after a holiday - still there's always Christmas to look forward to and if the weather this weekend is anything to go by, its just around the corner!! Oh and of course there is that  four letter word .....   w..k, to look forward to as well.

Ameer was not  in a photogenic mood today and was being his sometimes uncooperative and mischievous self by posing for a second and looking adorable or smelling the flowers I took Lucy but as soon as I started to press the shutter he either looked the other way or trashed the carpet or tore around the room like the devil possessed.

As you see Ameer is out of focus so I have had to jazz him up a bit - He is giving us one of his famous 'death stare' looks!

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