Batty old lady strikes again...

... I got in after a long day, got my clothes off to go to bed for an hour, when the door bell goes. Then knocking.

It is a nuisance having ears. Prior to the last cochlear mapping, I would have been unaware of door bell and knocking and gone to bed to sleep...bliss...

Grabbing a top and jeans, I manage to get some semblance of them on when going through the kitchen I tripped over Popeye and his dish of wet food of which the jelly bits attached themselves to my bare foot and leg. As I saved myself, the kitchen bin contents went flying and my front false teeth took off into space, because I am yelling "Hang on a minute. Coming, COMING!!!"

All the while the doorbell is going, and knocking on the glass door. Popeye flees for his life. I cannot get the zip to work on my jeans...

When I get to the gate, there is the gas/electric meter reader man waiting. I tell him the kitchen is in a mess because I kicked the cat food over and the kitchen rubbish bin and for him to hang on a second...

I rushed back in the kitchen, managed to zip up my jeans, swept clear a path from kitchen door to gas meter, and another to the electric meter, because I don't want him to step on and grind down my wayward teeth, then went back to unlock gate and let him in.

I apologised again for the mess...

I was in no mood for resting when I got back in. So I got a piece of paper, took it in the garden, put it on a table. Mixed watercolours, brushed&scribbled&threw them on the paper. Got one of those spray bottles, filled it with water. And sprayed it on the drying watercolours....I was in no mood for doing anything that took more than a few minutes...I think this took 15 mins. It virtually painted itself. And then I took a photo.

The kitchen is still a mess. I will deal with that later. I am ready for a nap now...I have a headache beginning....and I haven't found my front teeth yet...

I have just seen the top!

So this is my pic for today for my challenge to myself of a pic every day in 2017.

I will look in and reply and comment later...

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