The Viking Ship

We've had such an adventure packed day! I went to visit Heidi in Alfie, the campervan, first thing this morning. I love Alfie! I got treats just for waking up, and I enjoyed exploring every nook and cranny. I totally understand why Dolly loved Alfie and camping so much.

Around lunchtime we left on our day trip. The mission was to drive around lake Åsunden and find interesting things to see and do along the way. Since it's more or less in the middle of nowhere, we weren't sure if we would succeed.

The first stop was at a small white church. I stayed in the car for the duration of the visit. The next stop was a petrol station that was so old it wasn't operational. Why would people want that? Mum explained it's to remember how it was in the olden days.

Then we got to a small village where we found a geocache hidden on the back of a road sign. We found a great picnic spot on a small island where we had our sandwiches.

We then drove on along a small, winding gravel road for a looong time in search of - a Viking ship! It took mum some time to find the right spot, and we had to hike through two fields with electrical fencing, but finally it was there! On top of a ridge overlooking the lake. Wow! We enjoyed coffee and Danish pastries on a dock down by the lake before going home. Rupert and Wolf came along and had a good time. My kind of adventure!

And - believe it or not - we went to the camping and had schnitzel with fries for dinner! Awesome!

Heidi's Blip:

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