horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

It's complicated

I obviously knew the arm break was bad. I clearly didn't know just how bad.

Fracture clinic appointment today, and I'd convinced myself I was going to be told the bone was basically healed, and away you go. Ah no. It's 'started' to heal. Bike is out for at least another 4 weeks (and with a holiday and work trip at the end of that period it's going to be closer to 2 months), because basically at the moment if I fall on it again it'll just break again. Simple as that. Frustrating as that.

The way the consultant emphasised the complexity of the fracture brought it home. There were positives. I've got more range of motion than he'd expect to see 6 weeks post-op; and the physio on Friday can go ahead with me 'working it hard'. And I only need to go back to the clinic if I feel it's needed, otherwise I'm in the hands of the physios.

It still left me a bit deflated, and the rest of the work day passed in a bit of low mood. Still, baking was done (chocolate and cherry brownies; and coffee and pecan financiers for a bake sale tomorrow for a volunteer day our department is doing on Monday. Ran out of icing sugar for the cranberry friands that were also on the cards); and dinner was made (bit of a favourite of garlic and tarragon brioche pudding with roast chicken). So I'll drag myself up.

Oh, and got the old Mini's wipers working again. Simple swap out of a knackered fuse for a new one. That's one to scrub off the blackboard list of jobs pre-MOT. And two rather special bottle cages (yes really) arrived from Portland. They'll clearly be blipped some day I'm running short on ideas. For now you get a lovely, if slightly battered, DS which was spotted opposite the sorting office, as I went to collect the bottle cages, paying the VAT to free into my custody.

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