Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Pure Joy

We took Orla to Blair Drummond Safari Park today. We last went there two years ago, on her second birthday. Her favourite bit by far was the sea lion show. When we went into the building, she said "we've been here before." She didn't seem to remember any other bits of the park specifically. And look at that expression, she just loved it. Other highlights were the pirate ship and sand pit and the otters. They were going completely mental and making lots of noise. I think they could see their reflections in the glass and thought it was alien otters invading their space! There were some shows there too, we managed to get away with just letting her have a go on the bouncy castle, but it was tricky. And this time, she didn't fall asleep in the car on the way round the animal enclosure, so she actually got to see the lions, tiger and rhino!

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