
By kevinmcc

The Kodak DC265

Oh how I would have loved to have this camera when my wife and I took a cruise to Alaska in 1999 - the same year the DC265 was introduced. It would be another three years until I would finally acquire my first digital camera.

I went out and bought a nice 35mm weather resistant Pentax point and shoot for around $250 to use on the cruise.

Back in 1999, the DC265 was priced around $1000. I can only guess what a few 256K or 512K compact flash cards might have run at that time?

The DC265 was quite an advanced camera in 1999. A whopping 1.6 mega pixel resolution, and an overly healthy appetite for consuming AA batteries. You can read all the specs here if you are interested.

Over a dozen years later, I finally picked up my DC265 at a garage sale for around $15. And it still takes great pictures!

In fact, ALL of my journal images from September 16 - 22 were taken with this camera. It was a fun blast from the past to go "retro" for a week :)

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