Flitting about
Another warm, sunny day where I was overdressed and struggled through various errands in an overheated, under-airconditioned car. A quick dash to the doctors at lunch time to get all the kids' sports enrollment forms signed (they need a doctor's certificate to be allowed to compete for their clubs) and the kids first ever proper medicals. (Last year our doctor just signed the form for Conor without him even being there!) So they learned about blood pressure and so forth and were pronounced healthy.
Later, some gardening, including rather delightfully discovering under some dead plants that the dahlias and lupins are having another go at spring, and spotting this rather bold insect on the sweet pea wigwam. Then it was movie night with some of the kids' friends (with predictable sugar-high squabbling). Later still some calm cooking time after the kids were in bed and then (rather later than expected) Mr B's late flight finally arrived and we were able to have some late dinner, followed by rather more late night wine and conversation than was wise for two folk who were already tired and had to get up early the next day...
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