Slimming World

Meet S & K. Two of the members of the SW group that C & I attend each Thursday afternoon. This week I lost another 2lbs taking my total loss to 2.5 stone :-). ....I am pleased to say the least but I reckon another stone & I will be at goal weight ...

A rather lazy day today though I did go out on the fruit run this morning. ...I put all my shopping through the till packed it in my trolley and ......I'd left my wallet at home ....doh ! So I had to go home then back again to pay must be my age !

One of the girls above is immanently going to lose several pounds at once  - can you guess which one & why ? To find out the answer check the extra !

Sunny but still cool

Ps Sorry I've been quieter than usual but I will catch up with you later on x

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