
Never have I experienced weather like this. Last night there was a thunderstorm with hail the size of golf balls which ripped our tent roof apart and totally flooded it. The pitch next to the caravan in the photo was where our tent was, with about a foot of water. It was quite scary. As fast as we tried to plug the holes, more appeared and we eventually gave up and realised that our tent was a right-off.
The Dutch people around us were so kind, giving us sleeping bags and airbeds and offering us places to stay. In the end we stayed in the kids club on the floor, at least it was warm and dry.
This morning we threw our tent away, but not before the boys had thrashed it with tennis racquets! We moved to a different pitch, putting up our two small overnight tents and someone kindly lent us another larger tent too. People have been so kind.
Having re-pitched there was another storm this afternoon and we had to bail out the tent again and then move it again out of a dip. We are totally shattered but still managed to enjoy pizza at the campsite restaurant. So nice to sit down in the dry!
We have been totally overwhelmed by people's kindness. It's been a pretty awful day but the family has really pulled together and no one has complained once. We are expecting more rain tomorrow. Not really what we hoped for when we drove all the way to Italy!

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