
By CharlotteJ

Making wishes


After a full afternoon at the hospital with Mum, I took myself off to the Humber.  Having a walk in the late afternoon sun was just what the doctor ordered.  Today has been quite emotional but also very helpful.  Mum took it upon herself to talk about her funeral!  Mum was honest and direct about her wishes.  Mum was very brave and I am proud of her as death is a topic she finds very difficult to discuss.  She told me some beautiful things and we spent some time outside in the hospital grounds chatting and at one point Mum sat in her wheelchair put her head on my shoulder and fell asleep with my arm around her – I will never forget that moment.

I have also had a lovely conversation with my god father today.  He is an elusive man but one who is very reliable when it comes to the crunch…I like him a lot.

Tomorrow I will see Mum in the morning and I will then head back home for the weekend.  I will return to Grimsby next week.  Who knows what is next.

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