Orchid and ......

....... jaded pots!!
It has Been a beautiful day, emptied 6 baskets and replanted 4 then I'm afraid the heat got to me, so already having a permanent headache I gave in. Tomorrow is another day. I had sad news and good news today ----
Sad news --- my friend whom I visited last week ( in a care home ) apparently went missing this morning and the police found her in Polegate High street. Very disturbing , I think the care home should be more secure?
Good news ---- my grandson chef is in the top 2 of his competition ( 600 entries ! )
I'm thrilled for him. Well done "O".
" A" cut the grass this am bless him.

Thankful ..... to have "A" to do these little jobs for me. Thank you so much "A".

In other news ---- Mr Premium Bond sent me £25.00 yesterday ( not a fortune but better than nothing!)

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