Return to the North

By Viking

Kingfisher heaven

I went for a walk this morning but as it was for exercise as much as anything else I didn't take my camera, or indeed my phone. Sods law therefore that as I got to the haven a lovely kingfisher came and parked itself just 4ft or so away. I decided after silently cursing that I would simply enjoy its beauty and walk on.
This afternoon I headed to Far Ings and into the hide which looks out on this perfectly placed stick. I sat for ages with no luck but a couple of fellow spotters and photographers said that a kingfisher had been there earlier so I waited! Just as I was about to head off home he landed and of course i had to barrel off somewhere around 350 shots!!! Got some lovely sharp shots - including one of projectile poop but of course it had to be a fish one.
You can see more here. Finished the day a very very happy girl

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