Farewell Arran

After our late night I wasn’t sure I was up to a  run, but I headed out and ran to the Fallen Rocks.  It was damp and miserable when I left the house but by the time I got to my destination the sun was shining.  I stopped to enjoy the view and the sunshine, before heading back and into the mizzle again.  Thankfully the weather cleared up and we headed to Lamlash to meet our friends.  They had been to the RNLI coffee morning.  We then all had a wander and a visit to the chandlery shop. 

We then headed to Whiting Bay with L, R and C to go for a walk.  However we were distracted by the prospect of putting.  BB loves putting, so the six of us did the eighteen holes.  L is a golfer, so was keen to show off his skills, BB was very tired after too many late nights and he got grumpy very quickly when he wasn’t winning.  All in all it was very enjoyable.  The sun came out and it was glorious.

We then drove half way round the island to Machrie tearoom for a late lunch, before heading to Brodick so BB could play crazy golf, then it was back to the cottage to pack our bags as we were on the last ferry to Ardrossan.

We had a great weekend.  The weather turned out to be far better than the forecast which was a bonus. I could have stayed for a week.

We left Brodick basking in the evening sunshine.

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