I was obviously so shocked at being up to date with Blips (for the first time in months) that I completely forgot to take a picture today until I was in B&Q at 8pm!
I was there buying a pasting table for the car boot sale tomorrow. I have so much stuff to take that the one I have won't suffice!!
Miss E went to her old teacher's house for a few hours today to have an assessment for the 11+. We're undecided whether we're going to do tutoring at all and if we are when she'll start. Last term I had a chat with Mrs K about it and she messaged me the other day to say she was doing assessments so off Miss E went today. It must have been a bit of a shock to the system for her to actually have to do some work!!
All the way I was telling her it's not that important, we're not going to bang on about it for the next year making it into a huge deal!!
She really enjoyed it and did very well on the test papers which was great. I think she scored 140 which is a pass. Although I may have that wrong as it seems unlikely!!!
Her favourite thing is the list of suggested books to read. She highlighted all the ones she's read and will be working her way through the rest. She does like a challenge!!
The rest of the day was spent watching rubbish cartoons (them) and sorting out stuff for the car boot sale (me)
When I got back from B&Q Mr K and I got all the camping stuff out of my car (yes it's still there!!) and loaded all the car boot boxes into the car.
Hopefully not so much of it will be coming back!!!

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