New pet
A day of two halves (with some more bits after).
Morning of work: mainly cutting bits of wood repeatedly to a (not very) fancy shape. The jigsaw behaved, my measurements were mostly accurate and I have no more injuries than I had at the start. So, a success. Then lunch and the second half which was... more leisurely! (Mr B having evidently decided that the holidays start here.)
Later (i.e. once he was snoozing) some desk work for me then some gardening. With a migraine washing in, I resorted to the failsafe combination of drugs and ginger beer and soldiered on through dinner prep (and eating - burgers, yum) and then ironing to Battlestar Galactica with a very fine bottle of wine brought by some pals on their last visit).
Tomorrow we have instituted on off-grid day... no (limited) devices. Let's see how that goes!
And the new pet is (in case you can't see him) a tiny little frog. Home-grown, I guess.
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