Dressed Overall
A quick trip into Bantry this morning to drop Himself off at the beginning of the Sheep's Head Way. He's now going to walk it all again and record it in his blog, including pix. 20km and a lot of up, some of it sneaky. He's just returned home, wrecked and with sunburnt legs!
Anyway, Bantry has just got a new marina. The area has been under wraps for ages with massive cranes and dredgers doing their thing as the harbour has been extended and revamped. This weekend is a festival celebrating all this and some posh yachts have sailed in complete with snazzy flags. They all mean something don't they or are they just national flags?
I should have been doing stuff inside but it was too nice and tomorrow will be raining. Just had a swim - perishing but divine.
Oh, and it's the Perseid meteor event tonight for us in the Northern hemisphere - best ever apparently. It will involve a wander around at some ghastly hour of the morning though.
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