River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Tomato "Sweet Aperitif"

I slept until 8 this morning, almost unheard of!!
Started on new blood pressure tablets, legs didn't swell up but I didn't feel too bright either, we'll see how it goes.
Did a little bit of gardening, just cutting back old growth behind the garage. Two lots of washing dried outdoors. MrD went for a ride on his motorbike but got very wet in the mountains, didn't rain here!!
Had a lazy couple of hours this afternoon trying out some bead knitting which my dear friend Margaret gave me for my birthday. Made a purple bracelet and have a couple of ideas to try out, will blip these soon ...
Greenhouse needs watering more often now and the tomatoes have grown really well whilst I was away last week, some are almost ready to eat - yum!
Happy Weekend everyone :-)) x

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