
Up and away super early this morning for the drive up the Cairngorms for a days hillwalking (solo after my wingman called off).

Today's Munro was Braeriach. Britain's 3rd highest mountain standing at an impressive 1296m / 4252 ft.

It's an interesting mountain with a very good approach path.  This is the Chalamain Gap. A rocky passage which I would not fancy doing in the winter months.

You then drop down into the Larig Ghru before the very steep pull up to long never ending ridge of Sron na Lairige before hitting the eastern ridge of Braeriach.

It was forecast to lift by lunchtime and after a very brief showing the weather turned and it was like winter above 900m.

The midges were out in force. This was the worst I've experienced for a long time.

Still, I was back in the Superbowl car park in 6 hrs 44 mins which was nice.

Quick trip into Aviemore to fetch MrsT an Anniversary card for Monday then back down the road before L's bedtime.

Munro number 256 for me. Not many to go now!

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