
Up early to help Doc get to his train, and then to the Botanics for a Blip-meet. There was a goodly crowd there, in spite of the drizzle. After Shandonner introduced us to the Queen Mother's memorial hoose I was so transfixed by the ceiling that I forgot to take any more photos.

Then we went over to Dunfermline - missed our first train due to bus gridlock on Leith St, had been sitting on the next train waiting to depart for ten minutes before they announced that it had broken down and was cancelled, so then got a train to Inverkeithing and a taxi to EEP. It was one of those occasions when "It would have been quicker to walk" might actually have been true. We only just got there in time for a pint before the game, which was a very enjoyable 5-1 victory to us! Then home via G & L's house and some champagne left over from their wedding last week. An early night is indicated.

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