You spin me right round, baby right round.........

Sunday means motorbike day, so J dropped me at the gym really early. I saw Rob  & Des, and there was a bit of banter, to say the least. When I came out, it was grey & damp, and silly me, I  didn't have a coat. I walked home as fast as my little legs would carry me, and as soon as I walked through the door, the sun came out . I had a quiet coffee, and J arrived home a few hours later. The lawns needed cutting, and as we have a petrol mower, that is  usually J's domain, but he said, have a go, so you can guess who cut the lawns, so now I'm cream crackered . I am having Poldark withdrawal symptoms, as the series finished last week. although I am looking forward to watching the new adaption of Far from the Madding Crowd, which is starting next Sunday.

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