Golden moments

Apologies for my lack of posts and comments - its been a busy few days since Andy arrived.  Having unpacked his car in the pouring rain on Wednesday evening, my 'spare' bedroom is now filled with his belongings - plants, golf clubs, a snooker cue, a hockey stick....and other things!

Its been a bit stressful as we are unexpectedly having to deal with the possible move of Andy's son to Dorset with his mother, depsite us wishing him to stay in Scotland to complete his final year at school.  All very unsettling for everyone and with us needing to try to work out how the Scottish and English education systems align (not very well!)....amongst many other things! 

We've also visited Andy's 88 year old mother who is  now very fragile and struggles to get out of the house.  Thankfully Andy will now be able to get her shopping and help her more generally. 

We had a few hours of very welcome light relief on Friday evening with Andy's sister and her family who have been on a short break staying in a wigwam on a local farm.  Sounds like they have had fun.  We left them returning to toast marshmallows over a fire. 

These few marigolds are from the allotment, which is now highly productive in courgettes, blackberries, French beans and patty pan squash.  I've been busy making chutney and stewing fruit!

Best wishes to you all.

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