Morning sky

I happened to glance out the window early this morning to see that the sun had not yet risen and the sky was a lovely orange pink.  Grabbing the camera I managed to take a few shots.  Then it was back to bed for another hour.

Great I thought blip sorted and I can concentrate on finding some room in the house for our son who will be back in the country on Tuesday but not home here till Saturday.  In the meantime we have visitors arriving on Tuesday and leaving Friday so its all a bit tight.  Given that our son has only spent a couple of weeks in this house before he set off on his travels of three years I have managed to expand into all the spare spaces in his room.  So a morning of rearranging stuff and finding things that had been thought lost.  Then some time on the allotment and garden and now time on the computer.  The morning shot appeared more beautiful than I can manage to show, maybe because there was more of the sky visible to me.

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