
By BikerJim

~A Passion For Sunsets~

~More Than A Passing Fancy~

I lucked out with tonights setting sun as opposed to last nights lack-luster display. Tonight I went home with a smile on my face and spring in my step. Last night, I didn't even want to go home because I knew that post-processing would dominate my Blip image. But tonight I knew the photograph would take very little work because nature took care of that for me.

What a joy to see these evening skies develop into such colorful shapes. But always mindful that it might not progress to this level. With that in mind I start photographing early, just before the sun goes behind the horizon. If I'm lucky the last images of the shoot are the best, the colors are the most intense, the shapes are more advanced and the sky has wonderful gradation.

Tonight was one of the lucky nights, TucsonJim ;o)

A Bigger Sky

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