Dr Jones

By jones

Beach time

I got up at 7am in order to take Jack to work. When I got back home, I went back to bed with a cup of tea. I fell asleep again and woke up at midday. I couldn’t believe I had slept for so long. I asked the girls why they had not woken me up and they said I was sound asleep and didn’t want to wake me up.  My throat was still very, very sore. The weather was wonderful today so the girls and I sat in the garden for an hour or so planning our next trip. I then picked up Jack at 3pm and on my return, the girls and I went to the beach. By the time we got there, it had become cloudy and the sea didn’t look so inviting so the girls did not go for a swim as originally planned. In the evening, we all went to Dan and Anne’s for Sunday dinner. When we got home, we watched another episode of Cracker.

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