Film Club

Our camera club www site is being updated and one of the info pages will be about types of cameras.  I have said I'll provide a few images so Gill's old Pentax MX has come out of the loft as an example from the days of film.

I had an ME Super, but we both much preferred the wholly manual MX which functions without the batteries!  This is a back blipped try out image - I'll do the others next week.  Just above the NT you can see the judas window which allowed the aperture setting to be visible in the viewfinder.   I miss the depth of field hint we had on these old lenses - and the way Pentax coloured the f8 and the hyper focal distance point orange on the 28mm lens which meant there was a good chance everything would be in focus.  This camera was used on our hill walking trips so that came in for use most of the time. :-)

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