Spoiled for Choice

It was a good day for birds today on our deck. It was cool and fresh and the air was cleaner than it has been. So all the birds were in a good mood and decided to put on a show. You can see more of their antics on Chaikins of Bellingham.

Lots happened today. Nancy came over to pick up the photos I did of her paintings. The rug cleaning guy came to pick up the rugs to be cleaned for the new house. He is going to wait on repairs because it would have been super expensive and I may be able to place the rugs so the unraveled edges don't show. 

Kai came over to look at a few of the tables and desks to see if any might work for her in her study bedroom. She is still thinking. Meanwhile we had iced coffee and a nice chat. 

In between I packed a couple of boxes of desk pens and others for Five Star Pens to sell for us. Every time I think I'm at the end I find more pens that need to go. But I really am getting very close. Today I packed boxes 27 and 28! Yikes.

But I have been putting off the biggest news. I went in to the credit union and got a huge check for the closing. Then I met Jane and Lauri from the title company and I signed and initialed a bunch of papers. Tomorrow afternoon Jane will bring me the key and the condo will be mine!! I can't wait to go over to see it again without the furniture in it.

When I got home I called all the utility folks and got all of them set up for the new place. Wahoo! It is getting really real and I am very excited about the new place. I still have lots to do to prepare for the actual move which won't happen for another couple of weeks due to the replacement of the bedroom carpeting with wood floors. (Actually I am glad I have the extra time. There is still plenty to pack.) I keep marching forward one step at a time and things are getting done. Feels very good!

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