Mountain Tops

After visiting the market in our local village early this morning, we drove up into the mountains. The scenery was very alpine, with pretty houses and window boxes full of flowers.
We stopped at Lake Molveno for a picnic and then took the cable car up Cima Paganella mountain - a new experience for Indie and Lila who were a bit unsure about getting in the moving car! We went up to 1800 metres in the cable car and then walked up a very steep path to the top at over 2100 metres.
The view was spectacular and worth the climb. On the way down the kids took the chair lift to the cable car station while me and Mr M walked down with the dogs. Unfortunately we went the wrong way initially and ended up practically running down the mountainside to catch the last cable car going down. We made it with 2 minutes to spare but my legs were like jelly by the time we got there!
Back at the campsite we went for a swim in the lake and after tea went to the Gelateria for ice cream.
A wonderful and very busy day.

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