
Iain, that's the name of my dentist. I was there this morning having a bit of repair work done and I swear that the anaesthetic he gave me to begin with hurt more than anything I've ever experienced before in a dental practice, including having a tooth twisted out, a gum sliced and wisdom teeth extraction (not all at the same time obviously). It was just a little injection into the lower jaw area but boy, it made me go all tense and made my eye water a bit. And, to top it all, he didn't even say I'd been very brave or offer me a sticker at the end. That's just mean.

So, I'm in the house waiting for things to wear off so I can drink coffee once more and eat lunch without it dribbling out the side of my mouth. Luckily, my hearing has not been impaired in the slightest and there's a humongous slab of the good stuff going on behind me. On repeat.

[And, bunged some stuff from last weekend in the [url=]blipfolio[/url] if anyone's interested in sea, rock pools, sand, castles, that kind of thing...]

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