Some of those who have made the mistake of looking at my journal over the last few years, will remember that another of our local summer traditions is a visit from the family in Berlin from whom we adopted Luna back on 24th November 2012 when she was about 16 weeks old.
Briefly to recall they had bought Luna as a puppy and while they had the necessary arrangements to have a dog, they quickly realised that it wasn't going to be the best for Luna. So they made the bave and tearful decision to find a new home and a unique set of circumstances led to a mad dash to Berlin and back - Blip actually played a crucial role in the decision to let us have her - the family could see in pictures what type of life we led.
So each year on their way to or from a summer holiday somewhere south of here, they stop off for a few days for swimming, BBQ, chilling out, some horse riding if possible and lots of laughs. However last year we had to cancel as I was in hospital having various kidney stones removed.
They had just had a few days in Austria and today set off to us with me following them on the "Glympse" app.- very handy as it allows one to time the lighing of the BBQ perfectly. This weekend is the ultimate horror car travel weekend of the year, with every state in Germany on holiday and the first day of Bavaria's school holidays, a very rare event. However they made good time and because they were mainly travelling against the flow and only the Austrian/German border checks held them up a bit but far less tahn the kilometer long queue in the other direction - makes me smile when I hear the UK press talking about no border checks in Europe.
Got here mid afternoon as they had stopped at Starnberg Lake south of Munich to have lunch with Berlin neighbours camping there. Luna as always thrilled to see them. One is never sure if she remembers them or simply loves visitors regardless. I am sure that there is something stored in her memory bank. To this day she reacts very strongly to children laughing and shouting, a thing she experienced often as a pup in the 8 weeks or so she lived in Berlin.
After the horses greeted, off to the pool, BBQ and finally sitting around the fire. Daughter Alina who loves horses, did manage a quick bareback 2 minutes when the horses were put on another field after dark. Heat and flies at the moment makes riding as good as impossible.
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