Life through the lens...

By ValC

Incy Wincy

Our leylandii hedge had its yearly hair cut today.
Something neither of us enjoys doing as it means firstly putting sheets down to cover the gravel
Then climbing step ladders to reach the top of the hedge.
Sweeping up all the bits that fly everywhere. Filling 4 bags with all
 the  " leaves".
Followed by a trip to the tip.
Anyhow now it is done, and looks very smart, and we feel as if we have done a good days work! ( well half a day)

We had a lovely tiny blue butterfly  { common blue I think) land on the ivy, but before I got my camera it had flown off.
A pity as we don't often see them in our garden, and I thought it would do for Tiny Tuesday.
However this spider obligingly dropped by in front of the kitchen window, and so I was able to get a good shot. 
Tiny Tuesday sorted!

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