
As I lose weight and run more often, so I'm able to extend my distances, too. I told the Minx I wanted to run 10 miles, today, so we plotted a route from Chorley, up and around the Rivington chain of reservoirs, which starts with Anglezarke, and then went out in the car so I could learn where I was going and avoid getting lost.

Actually, I have run this route, or slightly longer variant of it, previously, when I was a bit lighter and fitter, but this would certainly do for today. Kindly, the Minx met me after about four miles so I could have a couple of mouthfuls of water and two bites of bananas, and then again at seven miles to take on a little more.

Apart from that, though, I was on my own and I have to say that I pretty much enjoyed the whole run, my legs just feeling a bit 'empty' over the last mile and a half. With there being so much steep road, my average mile was down to 9'44 at one point but by the time I got home I'd run that back down to 9'02, which I was pleased enough with.

Later, once I'd showered, eaten, and dressed (although not actually in that order), we went out in the car again so I could take a few photos. I did get some lovely shots of the reservoir but this was my favourite, an enormous runway for water into the reservoir. 

-12.0 kgs
1,912 words <-- GUYS!

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