Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

All good things ...

... must come to an end. Tonight we said goodbye to Tigger, our cat of over twenty years. She was skin and bones at the end and could hardly stand up, but her decline had been very rapid; just last weekend she was standing at my feet and giving me what for as I was late with her breakfast.

I was tidying up tonight and this little ornament caught my eye. In a way it sums her up. Tigger had a very strong personality. Tough, wiry, and incredibly noisy; but at the end I had her on my lap and she snuggled into me like a kitten and just let the vet send her on her way to the last good sleep.

She was an incredible jumper and had a talent for reaching high windows. When she was younger she would get up on the roof and drop through our bedroom window with ease. Here is a blip of her a couple of years ago at her best.

Bye little lady. Sleep well.

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