Just had a day at home today - mostly sorting through clothes.  I saw a post on the village residents Facebook page a few days ago asking for clothes, shoes and socks for homeless people.  I messaged the lady saying I had one bag of clothes so she said she would come this evening.  I decided to have a good old clear out and managed to fill 4 large black bags.  Lots of Neil's old clothes as well as the rest of his friend Ben's stuff which was left here years ago.  Also some winter coats of mine which are too big for me since I lost the weight.  And socks - so many socks.  No idea why I had black socks coming out of my ears.  I mean there are only so many socks a person needs.  So as the lady particularly asked for socks I have got rid of loads.

Around 8pm the cats were outside and started making a fuss so I looked out of the window to see why.  And I saw this fox. Its getting to be quite a regular visitor. The cats aren't afraid of it - just curious. It noticed me but didn't run off so I was able to get a few photos through the kitchen window.  It started eating the bird seed from the feeder. Poor hungry thing.  It had to steady itself with one foot and reach up to get at the food. I took some shots of this but they didn't come out too well.  I have put the best one in my Extras.

Steps today - 8,434

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