
only my 3rd ever Sermon :)

Early start to do some practice on my service...

Service done and went OK.  I had some good comments afterwards...and was very privileged and blessed to pray for someone who was touched by my words :)

It was recorded and now I have to find a way to share it as it is too big to email.  I currently have it stored on my laptop!  Any suggestions for 'free'?  storage online so selected people can access it??

My friend's husband J took a few pictures of me throughout the sermon, so I've put the best ones in my extras...

Afterwards we went to a local garden centre for a roast lunch and all the trimmings...which was fabulous.  I daren't say what the pudding was, but it was a quarter of a plate sized (some of you will have seen it as my friend posted a silly picture of me on Facebook.  However, I'm not sure its viewable to all....
Late afternoon I set off for Stanton House for a few days retreat and this is the view from the house :)

I was very glad to arrive and have a quiet wander around the gardens before a restful evening and early night.  I will add more to flickr when I've finished editing pictures :)

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