Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Wet gravestone.

Just had a mad panic when I got home and couldn't find my keys. Was standing there on the doorstep trying to stay upright in the lashing rain and gale force 10 wind scrabbling through my bag as realisation dawned.

Had to retrace my steps but no luck there. Then started to worry I'd dropped them into the massive bin in the street when I'd dropped my rubbish in (it is possible, have done something similar before) so was peering in there while wrestling with my umbrella in the wind and trying not to touch anything germy. Thankfully no sign of them there, I'm not sure whats worse - being locked out with no hope of finding the keys or seeing them at the bottom of one of those great big dirty bins and having to find a way of fishing them out... Ugg.

Buzzed everyone in my building and finally managed to get into the hall where I planned to collect my thoughts and phone Mags as she has some spares, only to find the keys on the outside of my door where I'd left them.
I'd locked it and then left them just hanging there.
It's been one of those days.
And I'm an idiot.

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